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A Day of Inclusivity with Brandon Farbstein

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Garfield Theatre


A Day of Inclusivity with Brandon Farbstein


Sunday, February 16, 2025 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
David & Dorothea Garfield Theatre
Lawrence Family JCC

An unforgettable day of inspiration and connection with Friendship Circle. World-renowned speaker Brandon Farbstein will share his powerful story and vision for a more inclusive world.
Discover how you can be part of the movement towards inclusivity and enjoy the debut performance of our Friendship Band! Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired and make a difference.

Price: VIP $72
Includes an intimate and inspiring gathering, featuring a meet-and-greet with Brandon Farbstein, a delightful light lunch, and engaging presentation on the power of inclusion. This unique opportunity promises to educate, motivate, and connect like-minded individuals passionate about creating a more inclusive community.

Price: $54 | JCC Member $36

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